Geoffrey and Patrick 25th June 1971
Dear Ed & Mel,
Thank you for your letter which we received just the other day. Thank goodness that we are not meeting face to face, for we are utterley ashamed of ourselves for not having kept in touch as we should. Can you find it in your hearts to forgive us? I am glad that Ethel let you read our letter and trust that it will explain a little our long absent correspondence (is that the way to spell it) but as the saying goes “Times are getting hard boys”.
Patrick ‘nd I moved into Lionels old flat a few weeks back but we are not staying any longer than we have to, things are unbearable at the moment and there does not appear to be any sign of improvement in the situation up to now.
It is not in my place to tell all, as I would like, but there is someone who is close to ALL of us Involved!
We cannot say how sorry we to hear that your lives have suffered a (we hope) temporary set back; but we trust and pray that things will improve quickly. We hear also that Paul is still out of work. Poor boy, he must be as fed up as anything by now, it must be at least a year since he last worked, is it not?
I was tickled pink to hear dear Rae’s voice on the phone the other day. It was a pity that I could not talk longer to her but it was a company phone no less. How we both long to be out there with you all. It seems years since we last saw you all, but it is in fact just over a year ago since you two dollies were here with that little poppet Ethel, how time flies.
How is Ted Floyd? We have not heard a word from him in years and trust all is well with him.
Hope to get in touch with him soon, as we feel that we owe him a letter. Give him our love when next you communicate with him.
What’s the weather like in your part of the world? If it is anything like ours keep it! we think that the ducks are looking pretty fed up with all the rain we are having at present, in fact I read in a national newspaper that a lot of ducks are drowning because they are waterlogged, believe that if you can.
Well dear friends must call it a day,
Stay as sweet as you are,
Our all to you all
As ever,
Geoffrey – He forgot to sign it!!
I have been holding this letter with the intention of including one from little old me –but that is as far as my intentions have got!! So, here with Geoff’s letter and I promise to ride over the weekend.
Incidentally, two items in this letter are now out of date: 1. We are staying at Aylmer Road, having sorted out things with Brenda who is the actual tenant and 2. The rain has finally stopped, temperatures are in the eighties and the humidity is just like DC in July. Oh for a conditioning!!!
With much you love to you all