Geoffrey 23rd May 1972

A letter from Geoffrey 23 May 1972

Dearest friends,

A million thanks for your lovely letter and you’re more than generous enclosure which I acknowledge herewith as received.

You cannot know had time is dragging on over here it seems to have stood still but I have no doubt it will soon be time for me to be among my (our) many dear friends in Washington.  Who’s a naughty boy are writing during school hours?  I promise I will say nothing about it if you will say nothing about my phone calls to you.  This is not blackmail by the case of you scratch my back I will scratch yours.  As regards my ticket it is classed as a round trip ticket and one of you airlines have to claim from BOAC when I make the flight but I can fiddle just as well as Nero.

Had a letter from Patrick this morning.  There is still no news regarding his appeal but if anything does crop up I’ll let you know right away.  He is thrilled to bits regarding my trip over to see you all and says I deserve it after all the worry he has caused me.  He also says he envies me the trip and will be thinking all the time about me.  This needless to say works both ways.  He asks me to thank you all for his letter which I sent on to him as soon as it arrived, he has read and reread that letter so many times, I am sure that it gives him a great deal of comfort.  Many many thanks.

I have already written to Ted regarding my trip as I have had to alter my plans regarding the flight over.  I shall be arriving a lot later than I stated in my last letter to Ted.  Instead of arriving in the morning I shall be in New York about 135 in the afternoon of the 16th of June.  I will ask cared if I can give you a ring when I get there to let you know that trouble has arrived I.E. me!

I have just found out that I would have to fly down from New York to DC otherwise I can only get a single to New York and a single back from DC but this can be fiddled as I have already said so mum’s the word.

Will close now, Goodnight and god bless you all,

As always, in your debt

Luv the that the Geoffrey

Excuse errors very tired