The texture of everyday life gone by

William Herbert Merchant Foster (1884-1981)

William Herbert Merchant Foster was born on 2 June 1884, his father, William, was 39 and his mother, Sarah, was 38. He married Rosina Setters in October 1921 in Totnes, Devon. He died on 9 January 1981 in Surrey at the age of 96.

Rosina Setters was born on 11 November 1862 in Buckfastleigh, Devon. She married William John Setters in October 1921 in Totnes, Devon. She then married William Herbert Merchant Foster in October 1921 in Totnes, Devon. She died in 1949 in Surrey at the age of 87.

The researched Foster family history is here (19):

Displaying 21 - 30
GladwinSarah1775 - 28 Aug 18375492
GriggsJohn1775 - 5493
GriggsMary1806 - 18825494
SettersEmilyabt 1861 - 5495
SettersErmytrude GraceApril 1911 - 7 Aug 19505496
SettersGeorge Rabt 1893 - 5497
SettersJohnabt 1860 - 5498
SettersKathrine1885 - 5499
SettersLaria E Mabt 1891 - 5500
SettersMary Eabt 1879 - 5501
Displaying 21 - 30